Dutchess County Events in August 2013
"No Borders in a Wok That Can't Be Crossed." Works by Helen Marten
and "Once Again the World is Flat," by Haim Steinbach. Center for
Curatorial Studies-Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College. 33 Garden Road,
Annandale-on-Hudson. ccs@bard.edu. 845-758-7598. Thursday, August 29. 11am-6pm.
at Bard SummerScape. Step
inside the Spiegeltent and enter a different world. This authentic Belgian
“mirror tent” will transport you to an age of elegance and allure where nothing
is quite as it seems. Spice up your midsummer nights in the company of great
live music, the hottest cabaret artists, and spectacular circus acts, with
plenty of good food and drink. Maya Beiser: The Music of Astor Piazolla and
Beyond, August 9. A Tribute to Julie London with Jazz Vocalist Marianne
Solivan, August 10. Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, August 16 and 17. Bard’s Fisher
Center. Annandale-on-Hudson. 845-758-7900. bard.edu/spiegeltent/2013
and Talk Series: History Walk. Beacon Institute's history guide Karen Gell
reveals the rich and enduring history of Denning's Point. Beacon Institute for
Rivers and Estuaries, Center for Environmental Innovation and Education. 199
Dennings Avenue, Beacon. info@the beaconinstitute.org. 845-838-1600. Saturday,
August 24. 10am.
on Main Street. Celebrates
Beacon's 100th Birthday. 36 artists explore Beacon's "Past, Present and
Future" in this annual public art event. Each August, Windows on Main
Street engages Beacon residents and visitors alike through a month-long display
of art along historic Main Street. It is a celebration of Beacon's uniqueness,
rich history and recent revitalization. This collaborative and
multidisciplinary project is intended to stimulate interaction between artists,
residents, and businesses to explore how art can provide cultural and social
understanding and be a catalyst for economic improvement in communities. Main
Street, Beacon. beaconarts.org, windowsonmainstreet@gmail.com or
beaconwindows.org. 917-407-9244. August 10 through September 14. Opening
party. Dream
in Plastic. 177 Main Street, Beacon. Saturday, August 10. 7-9pm.
Annual Woody Guthrie Concert. A benefit for the Woody Sloop Restoration
Project. Guthrie's Ghost featuring Jacob and David Bernz, Amy Fraden, and Hope
Machine with Fred Gillen, Junior and Steve Kirkman. $25. Towne Crier Café. 379
Main Street, Beacon. mailing@towncrier.com. 914-907-4928. Thursday, August 15.
The Gun
Show. A
group exhibit featuring the works of seven American photojournalists and
photographers—Jesse Burke, Ty Cacek, Barbara Davidson, Drew Ludwig, Jon
Lowenstein, Pete Muller, and Erin Trieb—who share their individual perspectives
on domestic gun culture. Employing distinct photographic approaches they have
explored the diverse range of America's close relationships with firearms from
hunting to school shootings, from proud NRA members to extremist militias, and
from machine guns as entertainment to the murders plaguing American cities.
Fovea Exhibitions. 143 Main Street, Beacon. FoveaExhibitions.org. 845-202-3443.
Open Friday-Sunday. 12-5pm. Film and talk with director and guests. A Son Down, After Sun
The documentary explores gun violence in Newburgh and Poughkeepsie, NY.
Saturday, August 10. 6pm.
and Talk Series: Forest Walk. Join forester Paul Blaszak for a morning of tree
identification and discussion of the human impact on forest succession. Beacon
Institute for Rivers and Estuaries, CEIE, Center for Environmental Innovation
and Education. 199 Dennings Avenue. info@thebeaconinstitute.org. 845-838-1600.
Saturday, August 10. 10am.
Park Brewing Company. Lick the Toad. Friday, August 2. 9:30pm. Steve Black solo
in the taproom.
Saturday, August 3. 8:30pm. Breakaway featuring Robin Baker. Friday, August 9.
9:30pm. Travis Schifko. Saturday, August 10. 8:30pm. Jukebox Junkies. Friday, August 16.
9:30pm. Acoustic Fire. Saturday, August 17. 8:30pm. 11th Hour. Friday, August 23.
9:30pm. Rudy Solo in the taproom. Saturday, August 24. 8:30pm. Off the Hook. Friday, August 30.
9:30pm. Bryan Gordon solo in the taproom. Saturday, August 31. 8:30pm. Open Mic
Blues Jam and Revue with Petey Hop. Every Wednesday. 8:30pm. No cover. Hyde Park
Brewing Company. 4076 Albany Post Road (Route 9), Hyde Park.
hydeparkbrewing.com. 845-229-8277
and Concert at Vanderbilt. Late afternoon walk on the trails of the Vanderbilt NHS then
a picnic supper and free concert. The USMA Concert Band will perform. Bring
water for hike; and picnic supper and a chair or blanket for the concert. Rain
and/or temperature above 85 degrees cancels hike. If raining, concert is moved
to indoor location. Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site. 4097 Albany Post
Road, Hyde Park. ROVAwebmaster@NPS.gov. 845-229-9115. Wednesday, August 14.
4:45pm for hike. 6:30pm for concert.
Creek Paddle and Clean Out. Come help us maintain and expand our water trail
on the Fishkill Creek. We'll paddle the creek as we clear it for canoes and
kayaks. If you don't have a boat or tools, contact leader for loaners. Bring
lunch, water and tools (saws, axes, loppers, rope, come-alongs, garbage bags,
work gloves). We hope to eventually extend this water trail from Glenham to
Hopewell Junction. Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site. 4097 Albany Post
Road, Hyde Park. ROVAwebmaster@NPS.gov. 845-229-9115. Saturday, August 24.
and Games at Mariapolis Luminosa. Picnic, games and brief program, rain or shine.
Bring your own picnic lunch. Please RSVP. $5 per person, $15 per family.
Mariapolis Luminosa of the Focolare Movement. 200 Cardinal Road, Hyde Park.
luminosa@focolare.us. 845-229-0230 x133. Catholic Mass. 12pm. 1-4:30pm.
Cottage: A Retreat Fit for a President. Park volunteers Linda Bouchey and Al Vinck
present programs on FDR's retreat at the Wallace Visitor Center. You will hear
about the 1939 Royal visit and the people and personalities who were part of
the Top Cottage story. Franklin D Roosevelt National Historic Site. 4079 Albany
Post Road, Hyde Park. topcottageprogram.eventbright.com or scott_rector@nps.gov.
845-229-9115. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 11am. 1pm. 3pm.
for Hope Women's Soccer Tournament. Benefiting the Miles of Hope Breast Cancer
Foundation. More than 800 women, 18 to 60+, will be competing at four different
levels of play. Spectators are welcome. There will be a concession stand with
lunch, drinks and snack items throughout the day—all proceeds go to Miles of
Hope. LaGrange Soccer fields. milesofhope.org. 845-592-1311. Saturday, August
3. Check in, 7:15am. Games begin 8am.
trihoofalon is an event where you run, cycle and jump—on horseback, that is! A
timed team relay race consisting of a 5k running course, 8.5-mile bike ride,
and a timed show jumping round. Limited to the first 50 teams that register.
Awards will be presented during the post race celebration and lunch. Crosswinds
Equestrian Center. 17 Crosswinds Lane, LaGrangeville. 845-223-7433. 9am.
The Central Park Effect." Discover the diversity of birds found in
Manhattan's celebrated patch of green, and the equally colorful New Yorkers who
schedule their lives around the rhythms of their migration. A question and
answer session with director Jeffery Kimball will follow the 60-minute
documentary. Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies. 2801 Sharon Turnpike,
Millbrook. 845-677-5343. Friday, August 9. Doors open at 6:30pm. Starts at 7pm.
Joseph's Polish Festival. Live entertainment. Polish folk items and yesterday's
treasures for sale. Bounce house. Balloon animals. Face painting. Delicious
Polish food and beer. Pierogi, stuffed cabbage, kapusta (sauerkraut) and
kielbasa. Hot dogs, hamburgers, baked goods and more available. Free admission.
Saint Joseph's Church. 9 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie. Polka Mass, Saturday,
August 17. 4pm. Saturday, August 17. 10am-10pm. Sunday, August 18. 12-6pm.
Media Project Presents: "Summer Share." A screening of youth
produced media talent created in CMP summer programs and workshops. CMP is an
arts and education organization that focuses on media and technology education.
The organization prides itself in converting young people from media consumers
to creators, and gives them the tools to view everyday media with a critical
eye. Mid-Hudson Heritage Center. 317 Main Street, Poughkeepsie. Friday, August
16. 6pm.
Annual Latin American Festival. Party by the Hudson River shores. Enjoy music,
food and family friendly fun. Walk from the train station. Sponsored by R&M
Promotions. Waryas Park. 1 Main Street, Poughkeepsie.
jtkazyik@cityofpoughkeepsie.com. 845-451-4100. Sunday, August 25. 12-6pm.
"Romancing the Valley." Solo exhibition by Scott Balfe. Free and open to
all. Opening reception. Locust Grove Estate. 2683 South Road, Poughkeepsie.
info@lgny.org. 845-454-4500. Monday, August 5. 5-7pm.
Fridays at Shadows on the Hudson. K104 and Exclusive Events and Promotions
presents Culture Fridays at Shadows on the Hudson with DJ Mister Vince. Scotty
Mac from K104 will be hosting the party. VIP bottle service reservations
available. Shadows on the Hudson. 176 Rinaldi Boulevard, Poughkeepsie.
comments@shadowsontheHudson.com. 845-486-9500. Friday, August 9. 10pm.
Review". Watercolors
by Betsy Jacaruso and Cross River Artists. Betsy Jacaruso studio and gallery.
The Courtyard, 43-2 East Market Street, Rhinebeck. betsyjacarusoartist.com.
845-516-4435. Thursdays and Sundays. 11-5pm. Fridays and Saturdays. 12-6pm.
Also by appointment or chance.
County Fair. The
largest 6-day fair in New York. Animals, midway rides, agriculture and
horticulture displays, commercial and craft vendors, talent tent, Rosaire's
Racing Pigs, grandstand shows, kids' fun area, and 100+ food vendors. $15.
Dutchess County Fairgrounds. 6550 Springbrook Avenue (Route 9), Rhinebeck.
info@dutchessfair.com. 845-876-4000. Tuesday, August 20 through Sunday, August
25. 10am-10pm. Friday through Saturday. 11pm.
Pacific." CENTERstage
Productions brings you Rodgers and Hammersteins' romantic Broadway musical set
during World War II. Based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, Tales of the
South Pacific.
Directed by Emily DePew. Musical Direction by Paul and Joanne Schubert.
Choreography by Martha Tobias. Produced by Lou Trapani for CENTERstage
Productions. $26/$24. Center for Performing Arts at Rhinebeck. 661 Route 308,
Rhinebeck. erikah@centerforperformingarts.org. 845-876-3088. Friday and
Saturday, August 16 and 17. 8pm. Sunday, August 18. 3pm.
Library. Afternoon movie. Rated G. After the movie, borrow a book about dinosaurs,
read about fossils, and learn about paleontologists. Thursday, August 1. 4pm. Creative
Writing Workshop. For
kids and teens. We will be digging into creative writing with Jenny Offill, the
author of 17 Things I'm not Allowed to do Anymore and 11 experiments
that Failed.
Thursday, August 8. 4pm. Healthy Eating. Learn how food goes from ground to table.
We will be checking in on our bean tipi and trying a fun bean recipe.
Wednesday, August 14. 3:30pm. Morton Acoustic Night. Featuring Richard
Thompson and Cara Silvernail, Graham Dawson, The Riches, and more. Donations
suggested. Refreshments provided by China Rose and The Rhinecliff. Sponsored by
Thompson Technology Solutions and Design. Friday, August 16. 8pm. Morton
Movie Night. To
Kill a Mockingbird.
Admission is free. Donations are welcome. Part of the Adult Summer Reading
Program series of groundbreaking movies. Wednesday, August 21. 6:30pm. Afternoon
Movie. For
kids and teens, The Hobbit. Thursday, August 22. 3pm. Morton Memorial
Library and Community House. 82 Kelly Street, Rhinecliff.
morton.rhinecliff.lib.ny.us. 845-876-2903.
A Free
Evening of Nature Based Yoga. Led by Mary Mashburn, RYT presented by The
Holistic Moms Network of Dutchess County. This will be a mixed level, vinyasa
class with a restorative touch. Burgher Hill, Rhinebeck. holisticmoms.org or
hmndutchess@gmail.com. Thursday, August 1. 7pm.
In the Parks 40th Anniversary Season. Thunder Ridge. Country Rock Band.
Wednesday, August 7, USMA Concert Band. Show Tunes and Popular Music. Wednesday,
August 14. Staatsburgh State Historic Site. 75 Mills Mansion Drive, Staatsburg.
young@oprhpstate.ny.us. 845-889-8851. 6:30pm.
Fun Day by the Lake. An
evening with family and neighbors relaxing by the lake. Carnival games, pony
rides, face painting, shows, and more. An art gallery will be open showcasing
the Youth Art Programs' work. Veterans' Memorial Park. Spring Street,
Wappingers Falls. 845-297-8773 x7. Saturday, August 31. 3pm.
Town of
Wappinger Recreation Summer Concert Series. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. Hurley
Mountain Highway. A
four piece acoustic electric group that plays some of the finest
acoustic-electric songs around. Playing feel-good music. August 1. In the
Pocket. Hudson
Valley based party band performing an exciting mix of rock, pop, and soul. In
The Pocket plays an ever-evolving variety of music from the 1960s to today.
August 8. Jazz Pioneers. A nontraditional big band. They play the classic
swing of Tommy Dorsey and Count Basie, visionaries like Buddy Rich and Maynard
Ferguson, and modern artists like Billy Joel and Brian Setzer. Plus jazzed-up
arrangements of popular songs. August 15. Bucket of Mud. Plays classic rock and
related styles from all eras with a twist of humor. Familiar songs performed in
unfamiliar ways are a specialty. August 22. Schlathaus Park. Corner of Myers
Corners Road and All Angels Hill Road, Wappingers Falls. 845-297-0720.
Thursdays. 7pm.

Posted by lil' Liza
on 11:51 AM.
Filed under
County Events
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