Reach Over 25,000 Readers in Ulster and Dutchess Counties: Advertise in Country Wisdom News
Click here to download our new 2013 rate sheet.
See below for the CWN Special Promotion
The communities in Ulster & Dutchess counties are tight knit, bustling, and charming. The concept of shopping locally is a strong value in this region.

Send us your .pdf file or work with our designers to create a new ad. Simple designs are free of charge, but we are also available to work with you from start to finish on branding your local company. Call or email us to place your ad today! 845-616-7834 countrywisdomnews
For the complete rate sheet, click here.
The Country Wisdom News Special Promotion!
We came up with a fun new idea to encourage CWN readers to shop at your store or use your service.
The first CWN reader to submit five receipts from CWN advertisers each month wins a prize valued at approximately $50.