July 2013
by Eric Francis
We're now
under the influence of all three water signs. Jupiter ingressed
Cancer on June 25, joining Saturn in Scorpio and Chiron and Neptune
in Pisces. Mercury is retrograde in Cancer. That began June 26 and
ends July 20. If you're making plans or initiating a project, make
sure you leave a few days’ margin after the retrograde ends to
allow Mercury to come back up to speed and focus your thoughts. The
Cancer New Moon is July 8. Mars enters Cancer July 13. Venus enters
Virgo July 21, and the Aquarius Full Moon is July 22. That's the same
day that the Sun ingresses Leo.
You seem to
be going back and forth on an issue that's calling for a firm
decision. The more decisive you try to be, the more it seems like
there are two irreconcilable sides of the story, each with its own
seemingly valid point of view. The more you try to please everyone,
the more obvious it becomes that you'll never be able to do that. I
suggest you not burn yourself out doing this. You probably already
know the reality of the situation, not from rationalizing or arguing
one side of the case over the other, but because you simply know.
What you're really waiting for is the courage to take action, whether
that means declaring an end to something, or committing to it more
It's time to
set boundaries with your family, which really means organizing your
life the way you want. I suggest you identify the center of your
life: the element about which you're the most passionate, or the
place where you most dependably tend the fires. Then ask yourself how
you feel when you imagine your family—be it parents, spouse,
partner or children—knowing that's the thing you care about so
deeply. Do you perceive support or reticence? Do you feel better
about yourself, or do questions come up? How you think that others
feel about you is a good picture of how you feel about yourself. It's
more complex than you may think, though you do seem determined to get
to the heart of the matter.
You're at the
most important juncture of the year when it comes to sorting your
financial priorities, and getting clear about how to be more
financially successful. I suggest that the first thing you do is
recognize your potential. Your earning capacity has expanded
significantly in recent weeks, and you need to be clear about that so
you can take advantage of it. Yet there's another ingredient that
will help unlock your potential, which is sorting through everything
you were taught about money as a child: whether it's a good or bad
thing, whether you deserve any and for what activities, the
impressions that adult relatives made on you, and so on. This may be
ancient history but it's information that is useful and indeed
essential to work with now.
Jupiter has
returned to your sign for the first time in nearly 12 years, and I
trust you've already started to notice some of the pressure coming
off, and your world expanding just a bit. Jupiter is providing you
with a kind of cushion that will create some open space around you
and deflect random objects, and give you access to additional
resources. Now that you know this, I suggest you relax a little and
see what happens. Try doing that Cancerian thing and eat real food,
take care of the plants, and get enough sleep every night. There has
been a frenetic quality to your life the past few months, as if
you've been driven by some kind of invisible psychic force. Take some
time and notice how much you've accomplished. That'll give you a clue
of what's to come.
Match your
actions to your innermost thoughts. From our earliest days we are
trained to split our personalities: to say one thing and do another;
to feel a certain way and act against our feelings; to violate our
intelligence or intuition; and many other examples. One beautiful
thing about the astrology of July is the close relationship between
your deepest sentiments and your choices and actions. It would seem
you have no interest in hypocrisy—only in acting from your values
with the utmost sincerity. This is the course of action that will
feel the best because it's a reflection of who you actually are. All
those options about choosing anything to the contrary are vastly
You have no
control over how you're perceived. You have some influence, but in
truth, people believe what they believe and they often see based on
their beliefs. Meanwhile, you're a person on a mission—and from
what I can tell, you're entirely sincere. Part of taking up anything
larger than yourself, or acting in ways that benefit others, can be
the perception that you have some other motive. I could go over all
the rationales behind this, but you probably know them. I suggest
that you not let anyone's opinion of you, or their perceived opinion,
influence your dedication. Persist for just a little while and soon
enough the simple reality of the situation will be obvious to
You tend to
leave an impression on others that is more austere and conservative
than you may think. There's a certain reserve around your sign, a
reticence to reveal too much, and your astrology is illustrating just
such an inner discussion now. You seem to have some compelling
reasons to stay silent—and some even more compelling reasons to
reveal something specific about yourself. Which is the correct
impulse? Well, which haven't you tried? What are your concerns about
consequences? Are they just fears, or are they realistic? One of the
main qualifications for leadership is sincerity. Were you to choose
that path, what would you want to reveal? Not be compelled to reveal
out of some moral dictate, but want to reveal because you will feel
better and stronger for doing so?
You may be
spending too much time pleading your case or arguing for your cause
than is necessary. That would include negotiation or studying various
points of view. People in your life are more likely to do what's
right based on the fact that it's actually so rather than based on
any rationales that you may present to them. I would propose that if
you accept and believe what you know to be true—especially what you
know to be true for you—that others will be much more inclined to
do so. If you find yourself debating anything, ask yourself whether
you really believe it, and what basis you have for doing so. Be bold
about questioning yourself—and about responding.
You may find
it easier to clear the hot air out of the room now that Jupiter is in
Cancer—a sign that's cooler, more inwardly seeking and oriented on
feelings. You've learned a lot about yourself with Jupiter moving
through your opposite sign. Its new placement is less about what is
said and more about what is done. People demonstrate their feelings,
their caring, their sincerity through their actions. Words can
deceive easily and often do so; it's more difficult to deceive with
actions. Now you need to tell the difference, both in terms of what
you do and what others do. Let your actions and the actions of others
do all the talking.
It's been a
long time since you were cut a break. You've been so driven and so
restless in recent years, you might count it a miracle if anyone
could keep up with you, or understand you, or feel the kinds of
pressures and enforced changes that you've been going through on a
fairly regular basis. Your relationships can now consciously provide
a cushion of safety for you. Yet whether you see and feel this will
depend largely on your emotional orientation. I suggest you relax a
little. Give people the benefit of the doubt about whether they
understand you or are capable of seeing your point of view. You don't
need to push yourself or others so hard. Get the feeling of being at
home wherever you are, and you will feel like that a little more
every day.
Yours is the
sign of the water bearer, and that water has to come from someplace.
Some of the sage descriptions of your sign encourage you to fill up
your urn so that you have something to give to others when called
upon to do so. Jupiter joining many other planets in the water signs
is a reminder to pause, fill up and strengthen yourself. To do this,
however, you will need to make a conscious choice to trust, and to
question your many reasons not to trust. This time in your life only
seems to be about the authority you have over your own life and to
some extent your responsibility for others. It's about relaxing into
an exchange, and having the faith to receive what you need when it's
offered to you.
It takes a
lot to let go of control on this planet right now, whether it's
actual control or the illusion thereof. You have compelling reasons
to do that, most significantly your peace of mind. But in order for
this to be sincere, you need to replace control with something else.
The one-word description of that “something else” is faith—though
that too may be challenging for you at times, and it's nothing that
you can contrive. What I suggest you replace it with is an experiment
in how far your creativity can get you. If you see a problem, a
puzzle or a conflict, try having faith that your creativity can turn
it to something positive for everyone, then give it a try. Your
results will speak for themselves.

Posted by lil' Liza
on 10:16 AM.
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